Scared of Being Sober: Why Is Sobriety So Hard?

Take the time to work with us over the next few weeks. The Ranch at Dove Tree offers the resources you need no matter what your current fears and concerns are. You’re ready to take that step towards recovery.

You can still write your life blueprint knowing that you have some baggage to overcome and skills to learn. Some baggage will be in the form of fear and you can recognize it in order to work with it. Your blueprint will be a lot more fun and hopeful when you dare to dream big. The biggest step is to see fear as baggage and not as a rightful appendage. Those negative and fearful ideas came from somewhere, it is your job to determine where so that you can go about eliminating them. Seeing it as a challenge that needs to be overcome and making a plan for it empowers you and puts you in control of your life.

Boo! How to Overcome the Fears of Sobriety

Sobriety can help you to improve your health, your relationships, and your overall quality of life. Finding an addiction treatment center with aftercare planning services can help you overcome your fears of long-term sobriety. You’ve promised yourself you’re not going to drink but then you’ve opened up a bottle. You’re sure life could be better without the hangovers.You want to give up but sobriety is a scary place and life without alcohol is unimaginable. You can learn to overcome your fears with curiosity and develop a kick-ass strategy to help you build a beautiful sober life. If you’ve developed an identity tied closely to the drug scene, you might fear losing yourself outside that world.

Overcoming the Fear of Always Being Sober

It can be scary to confront ourselves and our dreams, and putting them off or procrastinating on them is a way to avoid putting the work in or fear of failure. When we’re sober, we may find those desires and dreams come to the surface again, prompting us to pay attention to them once again. Your recovery has the potential to help you be a better friend, partner, sister or brother, professional, volunteer, and more. As long as you allow yourself to take the necessary steps forward, you can take this growing opportunity and newly found free-time to improve your life in all areas.

Sobriety Fear #12: Sobriety will always be hard.

Non-addicts may proclaim, “Of course addicts should want to get sober—why wouldn’t they? ” But the problem runs deeper than just simply being able to quit and stay sober. These are thoughts that run through every addict’s mind.

Overcoming the Fear of Always Being Sober

The key here is not just to know that fear is common, but to know what to look for so you can take steps to avoid a relapse spurred by fear. Every person faces fear at various times in their lives. The type of response we have to situations differs from fear of being sober one person to the next. It is quite common for some to worry significantly about a therapy session while others worry about not opening up. If you believe that sobriety is going to be boring, then it’s likely that you’re scared of becoming sober.

Your Fear Is Natural

I founded The Sober School to show you there’s another way out of your shame that doesn’t involve AA or rehab. Please fill out the form with your information to get started becoming a partner with CleanSlate today. It’s important to remember that you only have to take it one day at a time, and deal with only one thing at a time. Take a look at our state of the art treatment center. Sobriety has opened up so many opportunities for me to honestly examine who I am and what I actually enjoy. I have had way more fun in recovery than I ever had before I got sober.



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